Carrey Gold
18 May 2006
I have this flick in my DVD stash, and finally watched it for the first time in a while, the other night when I was really sick. Carrey fans will get an absolute kick out of this--the scene where he fights himself is physical-comedy gold. In fact, you could call this entire movie "Carrey gold." A lot of the critics say the gross-out humor in the movie feels forced, but I actually thought it made it more exciting and enjoyable. Sure, most of it had nothing to do with the plot, but if you're going to make an R-rated comedy, I don't have any problem with gratuitous raunchy material being shoe-horned in there for no good reason. Make it raunchy! You won't get any complaints from me! On the down-side, this movie's way too long, and focused too much on its "plot," which I neither followed nor gave a crap about. Screw the "plot," and the running-around BS. That stuff just made the movie drag.

Overall though, it's not too shabby. Just don't watch the TV-edited version, whatever you do.
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