a complete lack of personality
20 May 2006
I had to force myself to watch the last few episodes of this anime just so I could be done with it. I just could not stand it by the end. If you're going to create an alternate setting for an anime, you should at least explain it. It is never gone into why the country is at war, why it was necessary to change a little girl into an ultimate weapon, or why this "ultimate weapon" doesn't just end the war immediately. Not only that, but I simply could not stand the characters. They just had no personalities whatsoever, aside from reacting to the fact that she was an ultimate weapon. Everyone treats Chisu with a sort of reverent fear, the only difference in anyone being that Shuji "loves" her for no apparent reason. The visuals are okay and the music and voice acting are decent, but in the end, it's just sadness for the sake of being sad.
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