Bright Future (2002)
2 ways to get rated 7+ on IMDb
20 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
1. spend over $100M on FX & CGI & wait til all the 20-sumdings come and say "Wow, those Martians were killer" or "I loved the fight between the ape and the T Rexs" or "Boy, I felt like that was me shooting those spiders", etc etc etc.

2. keep your film void of any sensible plot. have your characters talk utter nonsense. extra points if they mumble constantly. keep it moving at a glacier's pace. don't spend anything on FX or CGI. make it seem as if something deep might be in the air. wait for the film school dropouts to get a break from Mickey D's. they'll come on to interpret the film for the great un-degreed. i guess it makes them feel like the two years was worth something.
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