Following up from "The Secret of the Unicorn"...
22 May 2006
Tintin fans no doubt know what happens here, but in case you're new, here's the successive plots of "The Secret of the Unicorn" and "Red Rackham's Treasure": Tintin buys Capt. Haddock a model ship, which turns out to be a replica of the Unicorn, on which the captain's ancestor sailed. But other people want to get hold of this model, and the dastardly Bird brothers go so far as to kidnap Tintin to get info from him. Fortunately, the captain and Thompson twins rescue Tintin. Everyone then realizes that pirate Red Rackham's treasure must be buried with the Unicorn at the bottom of the ocean. Joining them is the partly deaf Prof. Calculus (in the book, he was a new character). So, everyone sets sail. Will they find the treasure? Watch and find out.

I admit that when I read the book after having seen the movie, it was strange to find out that the professor was a new character there (in the cartoon adaptations, he was present as early as "The Black Island"). I've also seen cartoon adaptations of "The Shooting Star", "Destination Moon" and "Explorers on the Moon" (in fact, these last two were combined into "Objective Moon - Espionage"), but I as yet haven't found them on IMDb.com. I wonder whether it's possible to do so.

Here's my fantasy adaptation of the Tintin books: in Tintin's place, I go on his adventures with the characters from "I Dream of Jeannie", "Bewitched", "The Beverly Hillbillies", "Gilligan's Island", "Get Smart", "The Flying Nun", "The Brady Bunch", "All in the Family", "Sanford and Son" and "Happy Days" (the characters from "I Love Lucy", "The Andy Griffith Show" and "The Dick Van Dyke Show" would be side characters). Ridiculous? Maybe, but that's my fantasy.

"De Schat van scharlaken". That sounds like a mouthful.
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