A true Horror movie that warns all profit-mongers to stay in touch with their soul
28 May 2006
In this haunting portrait on the overpowering dominance one's unchecked greed can escalate into, the complicated tale of Enron's rise and drastic fall is overwhelmingly fascinating, unusually entertaining, and at the same time illuminating in a way most Americans would not have the time nor inclination to do research about. Yes, surely there are liberties taken with political connections, omissions, statistics and editing to the fault of making this a disputable piece of "documenting" on several fronts, although what the film argues at the heart of the matter really plays no part in the few (and on no level of dramatic manipulation as a michael moore) questionable decisions that bring in partisan politics, only to alienate certain viewers. On the whole, this is a searing indictment not only of the main players in this largest corporate crime of our age, but of the passive environment in which this horrid philosophy was left to thrive, and ultimately right down to us citizens who are too apathetic to notice to care. This is the kind of film that can inspire one to be more socially conscious in a completely new manner, and addresses the millions out there in corporate America who still engage in this soulless form of diluted, self centered enterprise. It is for the sake of their own well being that this film be fully appreciated.
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