Class of '74 (1974–1975)
Engaging series-will make you relive schooldays
29 May 2006
High school classrooms the world over are different, but the characters therein are similar. There's the bully, the quiet one, the popular girl and of course hormones are raging.

So take a trip back to your schooldays watch, compare and generally have a laugh at a probably cheaply made, low plot line series.

Many Australian actors would have had their early beginnings in this series. My favourite was Julianne Newbold.

I also liked Sigrid Thornton and I think Diane Craig was teacher. Best part of 20 years since I saw a re-run in the mid 1980's. Now where is it?

Compare that to a more sophisticated "Blue Water High" made in 2003 with kids at a Surf school by the beach. hat a change-in the 70's you had to wag school to go to the beach, now going to the beach and surfing can be part of the school day.
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