Glenn Beck (2006–2010)
Abysmal, annoying, other things that begin with the letter 'a.'
29 May 2006
I'd just like to start off by saying that CNN is a news network. It's a 24-hour cable news station. You watch CNN to watch the news.

This is where I feel the trouble begins. If I wanted a show like "The Daily Show" or "The Colbert Report," I would watch Comedy Central.

Mixing news and satire is risky. Riskier more, I would say, for CNN than for Comedy Central.

However, passing off mediocre entertainment news on CNN is sort of like mixing oil and water. To top it all off, I just don't think Glenn Beck is funny. I suppose it's just my opinion, but I know for a fact I'm not the only one.

Merriam-Webster defines "abysmal" as an adjective:

a : having immense or fathomless extension downward, backward, or inward "an abysmal cliff" b : immeasurably great "abysmal ignorance" c : immeasurably low or wretched "abysmal living conditions of the poor"

I suppose that if I want entertainment news, I'll watch Comedy Central.
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