Review of Pursued

Pursued (2004)
Vodka pineapple ice cold!
30 May 2006
I saw this movie in a blockbuster sale and picked it up for a couple of quid, I am a huge Christian Slater Fan but the last time I did this I picked up the god awful 'Run for the Money' (Hard Cash) so I wasn't expecting much..

As a Slater fan 'Pursued' in excellent, he steals every scene that he is in and plays the corporate psycho to perfection. The first 80% of this film is a delight and I would highly recommend it to anyone.

It is also nice to see Michael Clarke Duncan in a normal acting role, he is so often used as just a big strong enforcer type and yet 'Green Mile' showed so much more, here he gets the opportunity to just act. As does Estelle Warren who is usually just used as a the sexy blonde.

Gil Bellows is slightly disappointing and this is partly why I didn't enjoy the ending but I have seen a hundred movies worse than this and if you are stuck for a flick on a rainy day then this is definitely one to watch.
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