Why Can't I Be You? (2006– )
One UNREAL and SHALLOW p.o.s. . . . with a message???
27 May 2006
I have to give it the benefit of the doubt... it is entertaining, SOMEWHAT! But by the first five or six or seven minutes or so, it'll hit you... This show is very shallow, and, not only that, but very bland in genre (duh!... it's from MTV!). Despite its one-dimensional facade, somewheres hidden inside it is something very humane (not kidding). Someone wants to be someone else... TO IMPROVE THEIR OWN INNER BEING. From what I saw from the show, the contestant really earned some life points and learned how to become more confident. Although, that does remain hidden throughout the show because the show is approached as a way to affront "geeks, nerds, and dweebs" or some other "MTV Generation-al", stereotypical, character similar to that. The show tries to be funny... without succeeding. It's entertaining in a way that most MTV shows are entertaining, they claim they're "reality", but its most evident that these shows are scripted. I wouldn't watch this unless you're a complete absent-minded and shallow person much like the ones who created this show. PASS!!!
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