well done BBC
30 May 2006
i wonder if its possible to think of a series deserving the title "cult" that didn't see its fair share of battering from all sides.

Dick and Dom in da bungalow was a rare treat, a refreshing moment of good honest home-grown fun in an otherwise pretty bland list of current terrestrial kids "entertainment" shows. the focus wasn't meticulously sculpting a slick, smooth marketing display, but having a bloomin' good time.

the main reason i loved this show is that it actively refused to comply with the current trend of rubbing the egos of scrawny beautiful pop-music-miming 'personalities' with questionable contribution to society. instead, it gave kids (and adults retaining their sense of humour) the opportunity to enjoy the most important part of life... fun.

those people complaining that 'kids are growing up too quickly' and 'magazines should stop implying that unless we're stick-thin models we are less than human' should stop moaning about toilet humour, look this show up, have their creamy mucky cake, and eat it.

okay, so most of the cartoons were re-runs, but they gave you 5 minutes to make breakfast. you didn't watch it for them; you watched it for the presenters and cast who showed us that there are still reasons to smile. it showed kids that they didn't have to force out some boobs and/or chest hair and go out to get drunk quite so soon.

if you combined Timmy Mallett's Wackaday with Family Guy, you'd get Dick and Dom in Da Bungalow. genius. i wonder how long it will take for the Beeb to give us something else of such fun? please bring back Dick, Dom, Ian, Dave, Melv, Steve, Guy, Matt, and the rest of the team on something. soon. please.

as a tribute, have a look at the changes ITV made to its Saturday morning show while da bungalow was running.

i'm looking forward to the sequel, "Dick and Dom in Da Vinci Code"
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