Take a Chance (2006 Video)
Good movie if you're not looking for anything too extraordinary
1 June 2006
With a truly awful ending.

The movie is funny enough, it certainly had me in stitches at several points, but then it tries to do the romance angle, and to be fair to it, didn't do all that bad a job until the last few sections when the previously excellent dialogue becomes corny and stilted. Som much so that even the actors (especially Lara Everly playing Natalie Harris) seem to have some trouble forcing the words out. Her last conversation with Elliot Buddles (the really rather good Corbin Allred) is a particularly shoddy examination of how much salad dressing you can add to some pretty hammy script.

Overall a good movie, nice waste of an hour and a half. If you're not in the mood for something too taxing for the synaptic nerves and just want to switch off, this is definitely recommended. May also make a good choice for you and your girlfriend(s).
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