Review of Snow Job

Snow Job (1983–1985)
No-Frills Comedy ... Without The Laughs
3 June 2006
It was a time on television with great group comedies such as "M*A*S*H" and "WKRP In Cincinnati" Meanwhile, up in Canada they had something called "Snow Job," a rather forgettable show about a bunch of wacko characters working at a posh Montreal ski club. Its a good thing CTV chose to put a laugh track on the thing, or you wouldn't know where the jokes were supposed to be. Rumors abound, but there is no evidence that the scriptwriters also penned news copy for the stone-faced Harvey Kirck of CTV National News.

Of course, they had to have the "deja-vu" episode, featuring a sexy French hostess being snowed-in at a lift house with the staff Don Quixote. It was Hot Lips/Hawkeye, or Jennifer Marlowe/Herb Tarlick all over again! Just about everything about this show was Deja Vu all over again, just not funny.

I give the show a 5 out of 10 out of respect for the late Rummy Bishop. At least he had the good sense to LOOK funny...
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