Watch for the "Directions to the Restaurant" fight scene!
4 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
POSSIBLE SPOILERS - (Although a movie like this could really never be "spoiled", it's so rotten to begin with!) Never in my life have I seen a fight scene with the premise being, "Fighting for information about directions to the restaurant". Keep a lookout for this scene. It begins and ends with nothing more than, "Pardon me, but where is this restaurant?", follows with serious ass-whipping, and proceeds to "So, are you gonna tell me where the restaurant is now?!", whereupon, the man points, and the camera swings, to illustrate the restaurant, a dozen or so yards away. Priceless.

There are countless gems in this "It's one movie, it's not two movies!" genre-film. (there's gotta be a name for the spliced B-movie genre, right?) I won't list them all. Suffice it to say that Jaguar Wong's part of the movie gets my vote for superior part of the film. Jaguar truly is one of the coolest men to ever have walked the earth. Notice how he *never* closes his lips, ever!! Chews his gum with his mouth open *always*! He is the coolest, and his kung fu rocks, a nice hard-kicking, joint-locking, modern hapkido style, powerful! See this if you have a chance. And watch out for those wild crabs!
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