An often moving, sometimes funny look at eating disorders in US gay men
3 June 2006
Gay men are often obsessive about their bodies to a ridiculous degree, and this film looks at when obsession becomes disorder. Although perhaps a little too psychologistic for some tastes (it wears its origins in a psychologist-led self-help group a little too much on its sleeve), the film makes an admirable attempt to ground its critique in the body-beautiful centered gay culture of San Francisco. (At times the blame-laying from the film's subjects on their domineering mothers and alcoholic or absent fathers is too uncritical, as in "my mother made me a bulimic homosexual, and if you give her the wool, she'll make you one too". But having said that, there is also a lot of critical attention from the film maker given to consumer culture, particularly in its gay drag.) It's nice to see a documentary about gay men that is not about sex or sexuality specifically, and the men in this film rarely come across as cardboard cutouts. This is a tribute to Travis's sensitive interviewing, but also to his editing skills. There are some fabulous inter-cuts of 1950's television imagery of the "Leave it to Beaver" ilk, as well as an ironic use of the musical soundtrack (the section using "Close to You" is particularly sharply observed). The best moment: the crazy body-building supply store guy completely missing the irony in the questions being asked.
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