Review of Infested

Infested (2002)
Too bad to be so bad it's good
9 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have a small, but growing collection of bad films. Clunkers like "Plan 9 from Outer Space" and "The Brainiac" can provide a measure of goofy entertainment if you're in the right mood and have consumed enough beer.

Unfortunately, this movie doesn't qualify for inclusion in that illustrious category. The one good point is a mostly attractive young cast. The story, however, is one of the stupidest I've ever seen, with pathetic special effects, garish music and a wretched script. No tension is built up as the characters are destroyed one by one. Rather, each one's demise generates either raucous laughter or exasperated groans.

If you want any advice on whether or not to see this, here it is: "Run, don't walk, away." Rating: 1/10
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