Review of The Black Hole

The Black Hole (2006 TV Movie)
Not as bad as I expected
11 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Judging from the commercials, this was going to be about the stupidest thing to hit the airwaves since Deep Core, but in the end, it didn't insult my intelligence nearly as much as I expected. Some scientists are running experiments with a particle collider, and something goes wrong. They don't know what it is at first, but soon an odd phenomenon starts forming: A black hole! It wasn't done in nearly as idiotic a fashion as I had expected. Anyhow, of course it keeps growing, the female scientist has to call in her ex-boyfriend, the big brains of the outfit, to figure everything out, and the military shows up...actually, they show up to help, unlike 99% of the movies in this genre where they're just there to prevent the heroes from doing what must be done to save the day. David Selby (Dark Shadows fans may remember him as Quentin Collins) does an excellent job as the military General, trying to let the scientists do whatever it takes to stop this thing, while his bosses want - of course - to nuke it. Just because that's what they always want to do in these movies. Oddly enough, there's some sort of invisible, power-consuming monster that comes out of the black hole and starts following the power lines to the main generating plant. Much of the plot is concerned with dealing with this guy.

The ending is a bit silly, but they always are in this sort of film. I thought the special effects were a cut above average, and a bit creative as well. Sure, the science is completely wacky, but that was expected. You could hardly do a movie about a black hole and have the science be plausible, because the movie would just consist of the characters saying "We're screwed", and then the credits could roll.

Overall, a somewhat above average effort for the Sci-Fi Channel. Likable characters, semi-believable plot (stress on the "semi"), and just some good old B movie fun.
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