Motor Home Massacre (2005 Video)
Terribly clunky, yet strangely amusing after a while
13 June 2006
I expected nothing from this film other than a way to help me recover from my three-day 35th birthday celebrating, a day I spent watching films in bed. I expected even less from it once that horrible "I'm a trucker" main titles song was played. The Roger character was the worst of the bunch for he was so over-the-top obnoxious and revolting that he'd not be anyone's polar-opposite friend at their age. Therefore, the very set up that these "types" (wigger, sexist pig, dweeb) would be still be friends as adults is ridiculous.

You have to understand that this is actually a comedy, which became evident once the dweeb fantasizes that when the girl in bed slowly, teasingly lowers the bed sheet, she reveals not her breasts but a report card featuring two A+'s.

However, it's a very trying film to sit through. I think I stopped it at one point to check e-mail. Even for low-budget, there are scenes which are just so stupid they're not even bad-enjoyable. Case in point: the convenience store scene. This seemed written by two 14-year-olds. Dreadful. And note how the owner tells them how there was a murder "last night" and concludes his tale by stating that "they never found out who did it." Ah, speed investigations...

In fact, I'd be surprised if the script HADn't been written by various persons for there seemed to be different styles of writing. In contrast, a tied-up-in-bed scene produces an amusing conversation during the fishing-out of a pocket knife from the male's pants.

Justin Geer, who played the dweeb, was fun to watch, for he actually can act. Tanya Fraser, the black girl whom is twice befriended, was good, and game even when being referred to as "tar baby." She has a very funny scene later in the film involving one of the blondes and a frying pan.

The film gets better, in its bad-self way, as it nears its conclusion for it becomes simply ludicrous and over-the-top. (If one wishes to be let in to the RV before it drives away, perhaps going to the FRONT of the RV where, you know, the WINDSHIELD is, is better than pounding on the back of it.) It's played as a joke by the remaining cast, and if you're drinking and/or toking with friends, you'll chuckle. This is simply a film one cannot take seriously as horror or as a full-on comedy, but I find myself liking it, in a limited way. I'd watch it again with friends on "Bad Movie Night," but skip past certain scenes.
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