I Love Lucy: Lucy and Superman (1957)
Season 6, Episode 13
Superman is sure Ricky is the 'REAL' Superman
13 June 2006
Lucy is having a birthday party on the same day that little Ricky's best friend is having his birthday party. All the friends of both children are the same identical friends of both little Ricky and his best friends and all will go to Ricky's friends' party as they have entertainment. Big Ricky offers Superman ( George Reeves)for Little Ricky's birthday. Lucy is so happy about this that Lucy shouts "yes" and phones everyone and informs them that Superman will be at little Ricky's party. Everyone is coming to see Superman at Ricky's party, even the other birthday party boy. Well, Superman cannot make little Ricky's birthday party as he had other previous engagements. Lucy dresses up as Superman in order that the party will not be a flop. Lucy also those not want all those children including little Ricky to be disappointed. Well, Lucy goes upstairs to an upstairs empty apartment that Fred is trying to rent. Lucy goes up there as she wants to come into her apartment downstairs, from the window. This will seem as if Superman (Lucy) flew into the window. A couple comes to see the upstairs empty apartment. Ethyl shows the apartment that is for rent to them. While the couple is upstairs looking at the apartment and after Ethyl leaves the upstairs empty apartment to return downstairs to the Ricardo's apartment and Ricky's party; the real Superman arrives. Back upstairs the lady of the couple interested in renting the apartment sees Lucy outside on the ledge. Lucy is dressed as Superman. The lady is very scared. She tells her husband, whom sees nothing. The lady sees Lucy again. The couple decides against the apartment as it is too high up and scares the woman. The height of the upstairs apartment is so high that is causing the woman to hallucinate. It starts too rain so the couple closes and locks the window before they leave. Lucy cannot get in. Meanwhile, the real Superman is at Little Ricky's part downstairs and all the children and the grown ups are having an excellent time without Lucy. Ricky comments that he sure wished Lucy could have met Superman as she really likes Superman. Superman responds that he wanted to meet her also as 'he heard a lot about her'! The mention of Lucy's name causes Ethyl to remember that Lucy is upstairs outside on the ledge and it is pouring rain now, so she tells Ricky. Ricky is furious and attempts to move the huge piano to shout out the window. He even enlists the assistance of Fred. Both of them together cannot move the piano. Superman easily tosses the piano aside and goes out on the ledge to save Lucy. Ricky is still hollering and Lucy asks Superman if he can teach her to fly in order that she can escape Ricky's wrath. When they get inside Superman asks Ricky how long has Ricky and Lucy been married? Ricky answers 17 years. Superman responds " and they call me Superman". This is where I derived the title of my comments. Happy ending. Fantastic show.
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