It's campy. It's fun. Kick back and enjoy.
15 June 2006
It's campy. It's fun. Don't think too hard and just want some classic, cheesy scifi action. I mean you've got hot space chicks in bondage gear, mutants and a gun battles. What more can you ask for? OK so its not exactly meant for deep thinkers but neither is star wars (frankly I think people are reading way too much into what the force is). This would actually be a great movie to be on MST 3K. Why can't they bring that show back? But back to the movie at hand, there's not even that much to write about. It's not like we're talking about something with real deep meaning or subtext that needs to be closely examined. I usually tune into this movie about half way in so maybe I'm not the best person to comment on it. But the parts I saw I remember enjoying. I like shooting and stuff. It's sort of like the a scifi version of the A-Team and I think we can all agree how much fun that was.
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