Pretty dreadful
18 June 2006
Puported "comedy" about four gay high school friends who have just graduated. They're all virgins and make a pledge to have sex before they enter college in a few months.

The plot is familiar--just with gay guys this time. For the record I'm gay--and found this movie repulsive. The humor is sick beyond belief and there are constant scenes of sexual humiliation of the most disgusting kind. More than once I seriously considered leaving. I realize there IS an audience for this type of movie--I guess I'm not it. To make it worse, all these characters are fairly likable and seeing them constantly being humiliated or suffering severe pain and abuse (especially Andy) is not my idea of fun. There's also a fat, aggressive, terribly stereotyped lesbian in this who I seriously wanted to shut up. To make matters worse the actors REALLY overact shamelessly sometimes and jokes about NAMBLA are NOT funny.

The few funny parts have take offs on "Carrie" and "Mommie Dearest" and the film DOES look good...but I was mostly appalled by what I saw. I give it a 1 but this DOES have an audience. Proceed at your own risk. BTW, it's not rated but would get an NC-17 QUICKLY--there is plenty of male nudity in this.
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