Not comedy, not drama: nothing at all
19 June 2006
Javier is a doctor that lives with her girlfriend, Maria. They have decided to go living to the US in order to have a better life. Maria travels before to make contacts and, the day that Javier is going to go (after selling his house, leaving his job...) she calls him to tell him that she has been with another man and needs to think what to do. Without job, girlfriend nor house, Javier fells in a great depression. He buys a little dog and results to be a Great Danish...When things cannot be worse, he meets Julia and love starts between them. Unluckily, a few days later, Maria call to tell him that she is going to return with him, which will push him into a very hard situation. The story, though complicated, seems interesting, but the result is quite bad. The movie tries to be a different romantic comedy with a very great drops of drama, and the problem is that the movie becomes nothing: it is not a comedy, it is not a drama and it is not a mix of both; the mixture is not well done. In addition, Diego Peretti (who plays the main character)has not a great day, his acting is not very convincing and the fact that the character is quite repulsive makes things worse. Moreover, the movie spends two hours to tell us a story that could be told in a hour and a half so it has a light lack of rhythm. On the other hand, the rest of the actors are not bad and the story is well built and logic. I've been a little disappointed with this film, because I expected something better. The plot is interesting, but the result could have been better.
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