The beginning of what was to come
21 June 2006
This is a rather charming and amusing little story of a rich lady who takes the original Our Gang kids to a picnic near a farm. Filled with the expected scenes of the gang making a mess of things, this film is also filled with charming moments. The rich lady's pet monkey is the source for a lot of good gags, but there are several moments where the "plot" (slim as it is) stops to linger on the gang playing with a spare tire, horsing around with the animals on the farm (including Farina's encounter with some geese), a quickly thwarted bullfight ("we Spaniards are Hot-blooded" says Mickey Daniels), and the gang gleefully throwing each other in a water fountain. These moments are not chock-full of knee-slapping guffaws, but they are wonderful to watch because they show the gang doing what kids SHOULD do- playing outdoors, using their imagination, and enjoying their childhoods. Too bad this is seldom seen or done today. This was the 4th Our Gang comedy made, but the first to be released to the public. Good choice.
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