Elephants Dream (2006 Video)
Technically good, Scenaristically obscure
23 June 2006
A movie that left me with mixed feelings. Sure, the technical performance is rather impressive, especially considering that those people didn't have the financial backup most commercial 3D animations enjoy nowadays. The various environments are beautiful, with lots of small details that really make them alive. Although in the first part of the movie, the animation of the two main characters seems to be a little off, it clearly improves at the end, with an overall feeling of good quality. Not perfect, but nice however.

But - and that's a rather serious one - such visual enjoyment isn't backed up by a good story. Sure, the base idea is quite a promising one, and could be perfectly adapted to such a short movie duration. Yet it has failed to get me on: the symbols are too abstruse and too obscure to be understandable by most. Even after having read various comments about it, I'm still scratching my head asking myself: what was their message with this ?

So if you like movies purely for their esthetical value, then you'll definitely enjoy "Elephant Dreams". But if, like me, you are expecting from a movie that it tells you a story, or convey a message, you'll probably be disappointed by a symbolism so convoluted that it becomes impossible to understand, even after a second vision.

So my final note is: 6/10 - technically great, but the scenario is lacking
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