Far from brilliant; but fun despite being superfluous
26 June 2006
I found The Whole Nine Yards to be a surprisingly fun film, which worked thanks to its engaging plot and interesting characters. One thing I didn't think the film needed was a sequel; but I decided to sit down and watch it anyway, and to my surprise; it's a lot better than I thought it would have been. I can certainly understand why it hasn't received glowing praise; as many of the jokes are recycled and the whole film does feel like an excuse to give the likes of Mathew Perry something to do. That being said, original script writer Mitchell Kapner has managed to put together a film that makes good use of its absurd plot and characters, and somehow manages to be enjoyable despite feeling completely superfluous. The plot this time starts when Oz's wife Cynthia is kidnapped by a Hungarian mob boss. Oz decides to contact Jimmy the Tulip; Cynthia's ex-husband and hit man to help get his wife back from the mob. Along with Jimmy's wife and aspiring assassin, Jill, the trio attempt to thwart the mob boss, and help Oz get Cynthia back.

Just like the first film, this one relies on the talents of its lead stars to pull it through. Matthew Perry's wisecracks are mostly amusing, and he is in his element the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. Amanda Peet is still naive, and sexy, as the aspiring assassin; while Bruce Willis sleepwalks in a role that is a spoof of what he's used to doing. Kevin Pollack chews the scenery with his silly accent, but provides some laughs; and just like the first film, Natasha Henstridge is the spare wheel. The plot isn't very well done, as it mostly features the lead stars hanging around and waiting for someone to shoot at them; so it can become a bit boring. However, the film is never far away from a one-liner or comedic set piece to keep it moving and there are a number of big laughs. Sequels like this often don't work; Ocean's Twelve being the case in point, but I'm pleased to say that The Whole Ten Yards isn't a complete waste of time as it delivers what you would expect of it. It's not particularly deep or clever, but the film offers a fun time and the ending is rather well done.
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