Review of Der Staudamm

Der Staudamm (1968– )
Today it would have become a docu soap
27 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Der Staudamm" was a mini-series about the genuine and invented adventures that take place at the construction site of a dam in Austria. They are told from the viewpoint of the chief engineer (Horst Niendorf) and his personal assistant (Wolfgang Condrus).

Some stories might have been true, others were well-invented, e.g.

  • Several immigrant workers from Italy have a personal feud, Mafia-style. All Italian workers consider their behavior as normal, the others as outrageous.

  • Two workers make a bet: sit down on a box of explosives, with the fuse lit. The one who runs away first is a coward and has lost (but what about the other one?!). The assistant finds a way to find out the more courageous without endangering the other one (and without telling his boss, who would readily have sacked him).

The mini-series ended with the completion of the dam, and therefore there could be no more sequels later on. Sadly, the series was hardly ever rerun. But if you ever come to Raggal, Austria (Vorarlberg, Bludenz County) do not fail to visit the dam.
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