one of worst, low budget, no activity, dull, uneventful
29 June 2006
Though shot on video, but that means so little now as a praise or knock, it's decently shot though looks like video,actors look pleasant but cannot act. Big problem here is that very little happens and there is no excitement ever generated. Listen to the director commentary and you'll see perhaps why, as the things he chooses to talk about as being interesting are the least interesting aspects of uninteresting scenes. Very few deaths in the film, only one of these is even convincing to any degree, no nudity--though it teases you in this regard which is a total cheat. If you are telling a story without nudity, good, great even, but don't play the game of being sleazy and then not deliver. But this thing does not deliver on any level ever. Technically there have been worse things released by bigger companies and by MTI who did in fact unleash this talk fest, but what makes this so bad is it is lifeless. There is no effort to do anything of interest with the camera. There is no sense of how to tell a story or get performances out of "actors" It all seems to be done in a industrial film level of competence but who cares? The central idea, if you can even say it has one, so let's say the gimmick isn't convincing. It just plods along to a short running time that seems far far away as the pointless scenes follow one another. Why release this movie? Just don't bother watching it there is no reason. That's why I say it's bad, it's just so pointless, so meaningless, so so so dull.
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