The Incredible Hulk: Prometheus: Part II (1980)
Season 4, Episode 2
Andromeda Strain Revisited?
30 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A strange meteorite causes a flux in the Banner-Hulk transformation, resulting in David not making the complete change.

He is aided by a young blind woman (played by the underrated Laurie Prange) and they are both detained by a special secret organization set up to study alien life forms who believe the Hulk is from another planet.

It's all very amusing in its Andromeda Strain way, but I suppose the most tell-all moment is Whit Bissell's recreation of Kate Reid's line from Andromeda Strain "Let's try a rhesus" she says, meaning to expose a rhesus monkey to the virus in the movie.

Whit will say about the ensnared Hulk "let's try the hand" meaning a co-worker's mechanical hand operation.

Well, of course the Hulk made short work of that silly thing, and truthfully had the Hulk been some form of intelligent alien life, I really don't see what the Dr. Octopus hand would do with him.

In the end, all the Andromeda Strain homage falls to the wayside (mainly because this wasn't an alien of course) and we are left with rampaging, which made this show so much fun.

But an even stranger bit is the emergence of Mr. McGee as some sort of hero. He knew more about what they were dealing with than the scientists did.

And a threat from imprisonment because of his trespassing? "Prison is where some wonderful books are written. I'm sure I could write a good one about this secret place."
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