Ze film eez secure!
1 July 2006
When "The Pink Panther" came out earlier this year, it seems like many critics panned it, accusing it of being another ridiculous flick that uses a series of lamebrain gags as an excuse for a plot. THAT'S NOT TRUE AT ALL, YOU NUMBSKULL CRITICS!!!!!!!!! Yes, the movie's completely silly, but that's right up Steve Martin's alley. The plot has a coach getting murdered at a soccer game and his ring - featuring the title diamond - mysteriously disappearing. Who better to take the case than Insp. Jacques Clouseau? So yes, this is total slapstick, but that's what the original series was. I agree with a previous reviewer that Steve Martin wasn't trying to be Peter Sellers, but was rather putting his own spin on the role, while the movie was poking fun at French pomp. As Commissioner Dreyfus - you know, the guy who hates Clouseau? - Kevin Kline is more subdued than usual, but it's great to see what happens to him due to Clouseau's incompetence. I couldn't determine that Xania (Beyonce Knowles) was 100% necessary, but Ponton (Jean Reno) was great, and Nicole (Emily Mortimer) was...well, hubba hubba! All in all, this movie has clues about lots of things. Also starring Henry Czerny and Kristin Chenowith.
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