Liberia: An Uncivil War (2004 TV Movie)
Lacking Full Understanding
2 July 2006
The problem with the documentary was it really didn't address the human rights issues and corruption of the Liberian Government. At some points of the film you almost feel sorry for Charles Taylor - perhaps if we knew the whole picture we wouldn't. The film did have a lot of anti-American tint to it, and some of it may have been deserved.

However, if the filmmakers were going to be critical of the US Government, they seemed to forget to put any real criticism on there brothers in the American Media. The absence of Liberia being anywhere in the news media in the US was a contributing factor of the lack of US involvement. One that should not be overlooked, which other then one line in the film wasn't even mentioned. Funny how that always seems to happen - the media very rarely critizes themselves.

It wasn't fair to really point out the lack of American involvement-without pointing out the lack of Western involvement as a whole. Liberia may be the one country that has some real history with the US. The rest of Africa and it's poverty, corruption and instability as a whole is more a direct link to Europe and it's failure with former colonies.
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