As Time Goes By (1992–2005)
Love the program, but I have a question
4 July 2006
I love this program and watch it almost every night...I never get tired of it... WE have all the episodes on DVD including the reunion episode. I have several favorite scenes: Stephen saying "I am not a psychiatrist....That's Brilliant!!!"; Expressions on Lionel's face, Allister trying to figure out how Lionel could give Daisy a garter and get away with it,etc. The plot is so realistic to life, and it is easy to forget that what we see in the program is not a real family. All of them play their parts so well, and operate like a real family...including Alister, Sandy and Harry I. The second Harry is not in enough programs to integrate fully, but he plays the part well also. I do have a question though....What is a coropothist? (Spelling?) In some episodes I have heard Jean say something about a coropothist, but I have no idea who that is or what it means!
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