Review of Full Impact

Full Impact (1993)
Horrendously bad, obscenely unintentionally hilarious
4 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers

Pretty boy tough guy with an accent and blonde hair Gary Daniels stars as Jared Taskin, a former cop who had a nervous breakdown and had to start seeing a psychiatrist, Dr. Weise. In the meantime after losing his job, Jared Taskin has become a bounty hunter, which is displayed in the hilariously terrible first scene of the movie. A drug smuggler is trying to make a boy into his coke mule, but Taskin stops him through a poorly choreographed fight scene that includes some absolutely horrendous acting, particularly from the boy. After the fighting is over, the scene abruptly cuts to a sleazy motel room where a man known as Death Touch kills a hooker after having sex with her in an excuse to show nudity.

Old friend and fellow cop Bill Arkaday is played by Kent Ducanon who was in two previous Gary Daniels movies as different characters, adding to the "been there, done that" feel. Early in the film, Bill informs Taskin that his wife just left him, and he starts to violently attack a punching bag in anger. Sadly, this is the least wooden acting he shows the entire film. While talking to Taskin about the Death Touch case, Bill says he also cares about Amanda, though we never really find out exactly who Amanda is from what I can tell. We also learn here they suspect a man named Louis to be the Death Touch killer.

Death Touch later has sex with another prostitute, Jessie, but when he starts to hurt her (well, she is apparently supposed to be in pain even though she is smiling), the hotel manager comes running and Death Touch attacks him. Next, after a totally random fight scene, Taskin runs off to meet up with Bill who is going to Louis' restaurant and its self-proclaimed "Eat Now, Get Hungry An Hour Later Arena." Bill and Taskin go in and pick a fight with Louis' goons. Bill and Taskin dispose of Louis' goons in the parking lot outside before arresting Louis.

Taskin takes Bill to his house and reminisces about old times, trading terrible dialogue back and forth before a random scene where Taskin goes into his old house and starts suffering from flashbacks. Lee walks in and surprises Taskin, talking about how he needs to move on. We also learn here that he has a son he has not seen in some time. Taskin and Lee have sex on the floor while in an abrupt cut, Bill talks on the phone with the police chief about Jessie not being able to ID Louis in a lineup. This leads into yet another abrupt cut to Taskin talking with Dr. Weise—he wants her to help him look through some files. Meanwhile, Death Touch calls the police chief and warns him to stop the investigation or he will keep killing. Yet another prolonged sex scene that feels like bad soft core porn leads to another prostitute being killed. However, it looks to me like this is the same actress that played the first murdered prostitute in the movie! Taskin and Dr. Weise go talk to a former-cop-turned-security-guard about the original Death Touch case. The security guard gives them all the notes he has on the case. When the power gets cut suddenly, Taskin walks gets into a fight with several men wearing ski masks. Taskin tells Bill he found out it was "Jenks all along" and tells him the police report was changed. Bill wants to get ballistics involved, but Taskin wants to go fight Jenks. Bill tells Taskin to stop, but he refuses, leading to a fight between the two. Taskin knocks Bill out and walks away.

We are taken to the same exact boxing ring used in American Streetfighter where two women are fighting. Jenks is in the arena looking for some cash when Taskin rushes in and starts a fight with Jenks. Jenks insists he didn't kill anyone—the forged records were a payoff.

Taskin goes into Bill's house and snoops through the basement, finding a wig and the remains of someone's body in his basement. In the meantime, Bill drives over to Lee's house after snorting some cocaine for no apparent reason. Taskin walks in and Bill pulls a gun while the woman screams "Jared, it's happening again!" Taskin knocks the gun out of Bill's hand and chases him out of the house and down the street.

In an example of terrible special effects, Taskin and Bill hijack a car while fighting, but crash into a stack of cardboard boxes (hiding a ramp). The car jumps onto two wheels at low speed before spinning to a stop. The car apparently hit something and the fuel tank ruptured, spilling fuel all over the ground next to the car. Taskin forces Bill to the ground and rolls him around in the puddle of gasoline before Bill makes a run for a building.

They fight their way through the building up to the roof. Finally, after a long fight, Taskin grabs Bill, turns him around, and lights his jacket on fire (much like Kent Ducanon did to another character in American Streetfighter!). Bill stumbles around and wanders to the edge of the roof before falling off and landing hard on the pavement (much like another character in American Streetfighter!).

All in all, this is the single most unintentionally funny movie I have ever had the fortune/misfortune of finding in the bargain bin. Bad camera-work and sounds that apparently were all overdubbed in a sound studio after the fact for no apparent reason accent the terrible acting, swiss-cheese plot, and general terrible feel of this movie.
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