interesting but obsolete medieval epic
5 July 2006
Typical "Sergiu production", with the usual extras from the Romanian army fighting around, dressed like medieval Saxons/Normands. Most of the film is all right, although the presence of such great Romanian actors as Amza Pellea is simply decorative. The script is pretty good, despite of my initial expectations. The only moment worthwhile, in fact, is the ending. I didn't know that Wilhelm was crowned in an empty church, as all the attendants fled due to a Saxon rebellion that was taking place outside. There is a lot of fiction here, obviously, but the scene works almost as well as the "baptism" scene in "The Godfather - Part I". While his troops are hunting down the rebels outside the church, Wilhelm is having a philosophical argument with the priests, before taking the crown from their hands. An interesting approach on the crucial moment for the fate of the English people, a fate that is still in progress today.
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