One of the funniest Bugs Bunny/Sam shows ever!
9 July 2006
I love it how it starts out with Bugs at that old opry house annoucing the events of the evening. Then when Sam hears about Fearless Freep he goes crazy wanting tickets. Then it is wild that just right after Bugs gets done annoucing that the Freep's act is the first one to come up he gets a telegram saying that the Freep is not able to make it due to a train or something running late. Then it all gets so funny when Sam forces Bugs to climb that ladder and do the dive then Sam keeps on falling off instead. Also a while back when they did a Looney Tunes Sportsman of the year contest and it got to the high diving it showed that Sam was the top high diver because of what he did when he went to see the Fearless Freep's act!
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