Review of Progeny

Progeny (1998)
Deal or no Deal?
9 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Trying to have a baby for over a year Dr. Craig Burton, Arnld Vosloo,gets the good news from his wife Sherry, Jillian McWhirter, that she finally got pregnant and the two look forward to the blessed event. It's later when Craig starts to have a number of self-doubt if he's in fact the father and if the baby that Sherry is carrying is in fact human at all. Something about Sherry's conception and pregnancy just doesn't seem to be right to him.

Getting a test on his sperm count it reveals that it's impossible for Craig to have children and later Sherry, with under two months into her pregnancy, begins to suffer violent spasms as if the baby is about to be born. Craig is also a bit worried about what happened when the union between him and Sherry happened that resulted in her pregnancy September 20. It was on that very evening that he had strange experience of being paralyzed and Sherry abducted with two hours of his life completely erased from his memory.

One of the many alien abduction movies that were inspired by books like the very first reported alien abduction story of Barney and Betty Hill in 1961 in the ground-breaking book "Incident at Exeter: The Interrupted Journey" and followed by scores of other books on the subject like "Commmunion" and "Missing Time". The movie "Progeny" takes the story-line of what happened to both Craig and Sherry Burton in what seems like a sitting on the fence direction where you don't know for sure if what Craig, and later Sherry, believe happened to them really happened?

We get to see in a number of flashbacks with Sherry being abducted and lifted into the air and on to an alien spaceship.It's there where she's examined and impregnated by the alien's, who look like a bunch newborn tadpoles. Every time were about to have some proof if this really happened and if Sherry's baby is an alien we get sidetracked with the evidence evaporating into space, due what were lead to believe alien interference and manipulation. In one case the only person who could confirm Sherry's unusual condition Dr. David Wetherly, Wilford Brilmey, suddenly goes into cardiac arrest and eventually dies on the operating table never regaining consciousness!

Craig starts to go mad as he feels that Sherry's life is in danger and in desperation gets in touch with alien abduction specialist Dr. Bert Clavell (Brad Dourif) who you would think would be the the person, with the big build up that he gets in the movie, who finally brings Sherry back to normal but the exact opposite happens.

Before Dr. Calvell could really do anything Craig takes charge of what to do with Sherry and just uses Dr. Carvell as a gofer to get a camcorder and videotape an operation he has planned, an abortion, for Sherry. Dr. Calvell quickly realizes that Craig is crazy as he commandeers the comatose Sherry out of her hospital room and takes over the operation unit in the hospital. It's there that Craig preforms one of the sickest and most gruesome hatched or cut-up jobs that you'll ever see in a movie. With blood gushing all over the place even splattering the lens of Dr. Carvell's camcorder with him nauseated at what's going on he just about had enough when Craig, who's by now completely off his rocker. Craig now decides to flat-line Sherry, or put Sherry into some kind of simulated death trace, in order to get the alien fetus to leave her womb! That has the now sick scared and disgusted Dr. Carvell, at what the crazy Craig is doing, runs out of the operating room and out of the movie in a total state of panic.

Craig's insane plan to save Sherry turns into a disaster with her dying on the operation table and him ending up in jail for the rest of his life in her, what else could you call it, murder. Were given another surprise at the end of the movie with Craig doing a disappearing act in his prison cell; was he also abducted by the aliens to be experimented on like his late wife Sherry was?

The movie never makes the point if Sherry was indeed abducted and impregnated by aliens. After a while all that what were given to believe about her experience with aliens from outer space seems to be just a figment of her husbands wild and insane imagination. With the mind-blowing cut-up job that Craig did on her at the end of the movie you just lost all sympathy for him and felt like everyone else in the film that he deserves everything he gets by getting the book thrown at him in a court of law.
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