If Only All Inmates Were Like This
10 July 2006
Elvis Presley was a great singer and, of course, one of the real legends in the history of show business.....but his films? Well, I guess some people liked them. They were too sappy for me, sort of like those Frankie Avalon-Annette Funicello Bikini Beach movies of that era.

I did check this one out, hoping there would be a number of fast songs in here, such as the great title tune "Jailhouse Rock." To my disappointment, almost all the songs were ballads.....hardly something to get pumped over.

The inmates in this prison were most clean-cut, nicest and most polite "jailbirds" you ever did see. This wasn't a jail; it was the Young Republicans Club. The only nasty person was the warden. Well, they set a trend there as wardens have been nasty in the movies ever since. As for Elvis, let's just say I preferred his records to his movies.
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