This One Sucks...
10 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not gonna spend much time on VIRGINS FROM HELL, cuz it really doesn't deserve it. It's inept in every sense - and although some see this as a "so-bad-it's-good" type film, and I guess that's possible - I found it to be disappointing and boring...

A girl-gang takes on the "evil" Mr. Tiger - a sleazy drug-dealer who the girls battle for killing one of the gang's family - but Mr. Tiger ends up capturing the girls and imprisoning them and shooting them up with some sort of Spanish-Fly type horny drug. Sounds like the premise for an exploit "classic", right??? WRONG!!! Let's get a few things straight. I won't even get into the acting. It's lame. The dubbing is ridiculous and inept but makes the film a little funnier. The violence is weak, except in one or two scenes...and...get this...THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO (and I mean NNNNNOOOOOOO) nudity in the crap-fest. A bunch of semi-hot Indonesian chicks running around in vinyl hot-pants - and NONE of them shows so much as a tit or a butt-cheek. They even wear dresses in the BATH?!?!?!?!??? The non-nudity gets a BIG "boo" from me. I guess some may find this film somewhat entertaining - I found it stupid and "weak" as an exploit film...4/10
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