Really enjoyed it!
10 July 2006
I myself was a skeptic of this series, because I enjoyed the movies a lot and didn't want the series to ruin that. I listened to Howard Stern the other day and he was raving about the series, and said "if you can get over the fact that it isn't Wesley Snipes, then you will really enjoy this show." And I completely agree I watched it for the first time last night and it was awesome. Watching this show is like jumping into the comic, dark and twisted.It is very different because you don't hate the bad guy Marcus, you almost feel for him, and there is a mystery about him because he has sympathy but is very powerful and strong.It great because it has a little of everything plenty of action, blood, skin and good plots. So everyone should give this show a try, once you do you will be sucked in (no pun intended.)
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