Chantilly Lace (1993 TV Movie)
I thought it was excellent
11 July 2006
I saw this movie with one of my best friends, years back and we both still talk about it to this day. An unexpected twist really sent us in an uproar. We laughed and cried together and never expected that this movie would be one of our favorites to this day. I did not know that most of the work was improved, and I really didn't care. Definitely a chick-flick. Girls, I highly recommend watching this with your best friend...better yet get your group of closest friends together and you will see how similar things are in your life. There are many characters in this movie that can equal the women closest to you in your life and you never know what is going to happen. I thought the stories were original and thought provoking. Definitely a must-see for any woman who has had a close friendship with their sister or a girlfriend. So, a must-see for all! Oh, and don't forget the Kleenex!
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