Review of Destino

Destino (2003)
11 July 2006
I had a chance to view the Destino DVD and was highly impressed. I was impressed so much that I bought a suite (set of 6)from the time line done by Dali and Disney. The DVD captures the true surrealism that Disney (who would ever think of a talking mouse) and Dali is famous for. These two individuals that one would think we be as far apart in personalities would actually come up with one the best short films and some of the most treasured art work ever created. I am truly blessed to have seen such a work of art and truly honored to own a piece of history. If you have the chance to see the DVD or own some of the art work that has come out of this experience, jump on it. It is very rare that two famous individuals with such diverse backgrounds collaborate on such a unique piece.
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