Review of Manito

Manito (2002)
Frankie G. is a rising star.
13 July 2006
Within the first seconds of watching this film I asked myself: Why don't I know Frankie G? His portrayal in this film was so realistic and honest, I was blown away. It's no surprise, Manito was so highly acclaimed, largely based on the skills of Mr. G. Rare is it that an actor can convey such conviction in a character. And well some might assume this role reeks of type casting, I certainly felt his range in this role demonstrates a versatile talent. Not only was he strong and irreverent, but, at times gentle, even vulnerable. On one hand he was an obvious womanizer, who let his manhood dictate his fate, at the same time, he was a caring man, who's only wish was the happiness of his family, namely his brother, Manito. Throughout the film, I felt like cheering the character on. It takes a strong actor to deliver all of those qualities. So, then, I ask again: why don't we know Frankie G? The truth is he has been in some major films. But, he has yet to break out as a leading actor. A title, I feel is deserving of his talents. If the major studios don't pick him up, they are certainly missing out. Frankie G. has all the makings of becoming the world's next superstar.
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