The Butcher (2006)
Why OH Why!
14 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie with the feeling that it probably wouldn't be good. But there are movies that are bad but still kind of good if you know what I mean. As in B-movies, they are done with a sense of style and they are charming that way. This movie didn't even achieve that. So why do I feel this way?

Well, let us begin with the acting. The actors, or the people as I would like to refer them as, were horrible and I don't mean horrible as in horror, I mean that they really and utterly sucked. For example, if my friend got chopped in half I would be shocked and devastated. I got the feeling that these "actors" didn't deliver that. In fact, they weren't even close.

But, bad acting is something I can live with. We have all seen that before. But does it end there? Hell no, there is more. Let's look at the special effects. The FX in this one is way below average. In one scene we see smoke coming out of the woods in a distance. My question: Was it necessary to animate that? I can understand the need of computing animation in such films as Star Wars, X-Men, King Kong, Hulk and so on.. These guys didn't have the time or the knowledge to make a real fire to deliver real smoke. No, they animated it! And guess what.. it didn't even look good. The gore wasn't good either. In fact, there was no innovative ideas at all. The murder scenes was something that we have all seen before in other movies. This leads me to my final and absolutely most important argument.

I wonder how much of the script that was written by hand. I guess that 95% was done with the "Copy & Paste" method. Being influenced by other movies is nothing new. We have seen this phenomenon numerous times. BUT, you can show your influences with style. As a tribute to the old classics. It is cleared beyond every doubt that this movie didn't have the motif to give tribute to these movies. This is clearly a ripoff in order to make money. It's bad enough if a movie has 1 ripoff but this one has more and that makes it a whole lot worse.

Let's start with "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre". We can see resemblances clear as the blue sky in this one. How about The Butcher himself, this character is very much like Leatherface. In one scene he even use a chainsaw just to ensure the audience that this is a RIPOFF (as if we didn't noticed that). There are scenes that are completely and directly adapted. While I was watching this abomination, right about 20 minutes I said to my friend that this movie will probably end up with the exact ending as in "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and guess what, it did and I'm not a psychic. That sure says a lot. Oh man, it doesn't end here, no no ah ah, there is more. We see huge resemblances to "The People Under The Stairs" and there is probably even more ripoffs if you just think about it.

The only thing that was good was the title. But, the bad thing is that the title doesn't go along with the story at all. The Butcher could have been a good horror movie if we replaced the director, the whole film-crew and all of the actors. Then, only then, there would be a chance of success. I'm still amazed that this movie got distribution and a release.

Don't support the people behind this movie by spending money on it. Instead I encourage you to download it so that you can enjoy deleting it.
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