Ladybugs (1992)
Safe For Kids? I Don't Think So!!!!
15 July 2006
I assumed this was a safe movie for kids, one about a young girls soccer team. Well, it WAS about the soccer team but it also had numerous sex jokes and innuendos, along with a lot of profanity and just plain sleazy remarks.

Whoever wrote this script must be a real sleazebag. I should have noticed the PG-13 label, but somehow missed it. That would have tipped me off. For those who disagree with my remarks, tell me why they had to rate it PG-13 if it is such a sweet and innocent film??? .

The main kid in here is a foul-mouthed brat, too. Rodney Dangerfield, the adult star of this prize-winner, has some funny lines but the general tone of this "kids" movie turned me off, big-time.

Do not show this to your little girls.
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