Suspiciously similar to Star Wars
15 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The evil characters in this two part episode are aliens called "Scrill" which have a evil strongman who helps enforce their will on Wonder Woman. This "enforcer" looks suspiciously like Darth Vader from Star Wars. He is dressed in all black, including black helmet with metallic grill for a mouth. The character breathes like Darth Vader as well. The aliens called Scrill are dressed in corny alien suits but make noises similar to some of the droids on Star Wars. In fact, I'm sure they are using some of the exact same sounds. Since this TV series came out in December 1977, it is interesting that they allowed such similarities as the blockbuster movie that came out the same year. Also, one goof that I noticed in the second part when the Scrill are fighting Wonder Woman in the United Nations as the aliens are scrambling out of the room one of the aliens suits pulls up in the back revealing the skin of a human back. I guess they chose not to edit that out or re-do the scene.
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