The Twilight Zone: Caesar and Me (1964)
Season 5, Episode 28
Will the Real Dummy Please Stand Up
15 July 2006
Personable ventriloquist lets dummy do thinking for him.

Most variations on the diabolical dummy-- of which there are many-- keep the secret until the end whatever it might be. This one doesn't. We know from the outset that the wooden man is alive in some sense. He walks and talks with Cooper, but only when he decides to. Inferior episode, with neither suspense, atmosphere, nor even a half-baked moral to the proceedings. Cooper seems to have wandered in from a charm school where dummies are expected to talk since he never registers the slightest surprise that he's not really a ventriloquist. In fact, getting right down to it, the whole script makes very little sense, appearing to have been patched together. Best part is the bratty little girl, who really deserves a lot worse than she gets.
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