A fairly ordinary monster of the week
18 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't the best episode of the season. It's basically a Bride of Frankenstein deal, with a young man trying to build his dead-but-not-quite-gone brother, Darryl, a girlfriend. He starts out using body parts from the already deceased. But things begin to spiral out of control when it becomes apparent that a head from a live body will be needed to complete the Bride. Cordy's head is soon the top choice for Darryl's bride and the Scoobie's have to save her. All in all, a pretty typical monster-of-the week.

The episode does have some good points. I like Cordy recruiting Angel to drive her home. No one can befuddle and confuse Angel like Cordelia. And I like Giles and Miss Calander's growing relationship. You have to laugh at Buffy's helpful "how to ask out a girl" coaching, "I have a thing, you maybe you have a thing, maybe we could have a thing." Then Willow and Xander crash his date at the football game and the Frankenstein guy's henchman attack Cordy... Poor Giles. Like everyone else in Sunnydale, he's not destined for smooth road to love.

On the downside, I'm not really sure what this episode is trying to say. Usually, the show would being trying to deliver a deeper message with this plot. Convey something that's applicable to real-life situations using the story and the characters as metaphors. All I really get from this episode is the importance of letting go to the past. The mother endlessly watching Darryl's football games, the brother resurrecting Darryl and the girls (or at least, parts of them), Cordy reminiscing about her crush on Darryl when they were younger, etc... But, honestly that seems kind of obvious and weak. Maybe, it's borrowing Mary Shelly's thesis point of science replacing God and humans' inability to control or take responsibility for the things they create with it. The episode does revolve around the school science fair and that would add some meaning. But, I honestly just don't know.

My favorite part of the episode: Xander and Giles protesting that they're the ones shoveling out a possible zombie grave, while Buffy and Willow just sit by a tombstone at chat about Angel. Buffy's response, "I was raised that the men dig up the corpses and the women have the babies" makes me laugh every time.
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