Sword Points (1928)
The 3 Musketeers could have been a quartet, if they'd only had some bananas
18 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
There are some good situations in this spoof swashbuckling scenario, but most of them tend to get repeated to death, as Lupino Lane confounds his pursuers by ducking in and out of secret doors, tries to avoid fighting duels (handicapped by a sword all too eager to spring out of its sheath), and gets thrown across the room. I appreciated more as pure gags the scenes where our hero fights off his assailants at odds of about a dozen to one (finding the whole process so tediously easy that he can't keep from yawning in between whiles) via some highly unconvincing swordplay, where he accidentally slides down the *underneath* of a staircase, and where he accidentally floods the cellar of the inn with wine while attempting to extricate himself from various items of earthenware, and has to swim out. (Although the extended barrel-bashing in this sequence again began to pall.)

Some good ideas here, but it did feel padded overall. And there is what looks suspiciously like 'wire-work' in some of the stunts, as Lupino is hoisted horizontally up in his assailant's grasp!

I'm sure that opening title about the musketeers and the bananas is meant to convey something deeply amusing, but alas, it escaped me entirely... unless it's just a question of Yes, we have no bananas!
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