Indescribable Diabolical Crud!
19 July 2006
OK, so some teens stole daddy's video camera and went next door that night to make a film about . . . well, I think it's about someone, somewhere killing teens? I swear, my 6 year old kids could do better with special effects from the kitchen, i.e. some ketchup and the script from "Clifford, The Big Red Dog", except Clifford is better. The script is, well, if anyone ever finds it, do let me know so I can line my parrot's cage with it. The 'actors' must be rejects from the local grade school pantomime. The plot is as follows: ZIP. What amazes me is that they managed to get someone to draw a cover for the DVD. It is very annoying that the public will be screwed out of $4.00 at the video store to watch this pile of festering crud. It is an insult to any form of movie making and should be struck from the records. The 'actors', no doubt will spend eternity trying to get their names removed from the credits as it will for ever more completely destroy any hopes they have of becoming actors in any real sense of the word. There was not a single aspect of this flick that warrants any form of credit. Well, maybe one: the 'director' did not use stupid jerky camera techniques designed to cause headaches to viewers. Other than this, spend your dollars on a burger and fries and read the packaging for a much better script. I also realized that the English language lacks the adjectives required to describe this movie. There just are not any words to describe how bad it is, without using expletives. Try it and see. What is really, really scary though, and I mean this, is that there are some people here on IMDb that actually thought this was a good movie. Wha'? Who are these people? Is it possible that these lunatics may be living in my neighborhood, disguised as normal people? What if my kids go over there to play? One of the comments here said that the script was 'original'! Huh? Hello? Earth? The mind absolutely boggles. Einstein was right: stupidity is infinite. I would normally just trash this junk, but I felt I had to write something just to try and save this complete crap from infiltrating the market under the guise of 'entertainment' or, Lord forbid, a 'movie'. We can only hope that the morons who fabricated this swill will stay at school and not ever, ever make any more of this stuff or try to get into the real movies. Please, for all our sakes', just quietly go away and we'll forgive you this transgression. Once. We appreciate you had some bad E or some dodgy pork, but please, slip gently into the night and never, never return.
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