Review of The Wounded

The Wounded (2003 Video)
How did any distributor pick this up?
19 July 2006
This is by far the worst film I have ever seen. The film is obviously shot on a shoestring budget, but that is no excuse for the poor quality. The story jumps about so much and the editing is so poor it is almost impossible to follow.

I saw it on the Horror Channel which admittedly can show some "lesser quality" films, but I am at a loss as to why they would bother showing this. I can only imagine it was bought as part of a job lot, but someone should have taken the decision to file it away as one never to be inflicted on the public.

The story makes no sense, the characters have the intellect of amoeba and the dialogue is truly cringemaking. I am surprised the complete cast and crew was not made up of Alan Smithee.
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