Not a bad movie but...
22 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Every few years, someone tries to capture the spirit of those black-and-white screwball comedies of the 1930s and 40s, Hollywood's Golden Age. "Undercover Blues" is a brave attempt and reasonably well-acted, but...

Dennis Quaid and Kathleen Turner as a couple? No way. Kathleen Turner is a fine actress but she is visibly older than Quaid. Yes, she's pretty sexy in "Undercover Blues" but her chemistry with Quaid is more like the Anne Bancroft/Dustin Hoffman chemistry of "The Graduate".

Stanley Tucci is also a fine actor. Unfortunately in this film he is stuck with a feeble one-joke two-dimensional role. He does his best but by the end of the film you'll be crying out for someone to kill him.

I ended up with the Undercover Blues after watching this film. Roll on the next screwball comedy genre attempt...
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