Ball & Chain (2004)
Good for what it is
22 July 2006
Fans of Bollywood: do not come to this movie expecting the lavish sets, dazzling choreography, or even catchy tunes to which you are accustomed. There is no singing in this film, and the dancing which takes place in the beginning, well... let's say you'll be glad when it's over.

The film follows the typical Bollywood-type love story, except it is set in the States. The actors are decent, engaging in a fair amount of slapstick in the beginning which is nicely carried out so as not to drag the film into too much silliness.

If you don't have very high expectations and are willing to relax and laugh at a few silly gags for an hour and a half, this film will not disappoint. It is fun, cute, and all the other things movies of its kind are supposed to be, even if not the best of the lot.

Those who'd throw a fit over this film being bad obviously had no idea what such a production is supposed to be about. If you are one of them, approach with caution: this is a super-corny romantic comedy.

As far as those who were left dumbfounded by the plot... perhaps the simple chain of events made too many demands on them. Ignore.

Have fun watching!
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